UltraHard Materials LLC
Comparing UHM’s CeTZP with Silicon Nitride
Silicon Nitride is probably the most common engineering ceramic that is currently being used in applications where a higher performance material is required despite its low fracture toughness.
Table 8
Table 8 lists the mechanical properties of UHM’s CeTZP compared to Silicon Nitride (from references 4,5,7,15).
Mechanical Properties
Silicon Nitride
Vickers Hardness (GPa)
9.1 - 13.6+
17 - 19+
Fracture Toughness (MPa.m1/2)
10 - 15.3
4.0 - 5.4
Tensile Strength (MPa)
360 - 420#
400 - 580#
Bend Strength (MPa)
1080 - 1260
190 - 980
Compression Strength (MPa)
1045 - 1459
550 - 2000
Young’s Modulus (GPa)
190 - 200
280 - 310
Density (g/cm3)
6.1 - 6.2
3.2 - 3.5
#estimated from bend strength
+ higher values can be obtained when lower indenter loads are used during Vickers hardness measurements (reference 10).
[All our mechanical tests were carried out on UHM's CeTZP billets. A LECO test machine for our indentation macrohardness tests utilized 30 kg loads; K1c values were calculated from crack lengths derived from these indentation tests using the equation of Anstis el alia (reference 10)]
UHM’s CeTZP engineering ceramic has some clear mechanical property advantages over Silicon Nitride and they are:
The fracture toughness of UHM’s CeTZP is about three times (or 300%) higher than Silicon Nitride. This means that UHM’s CeTZP is less likely to fracture under higher load-bearing conditions than Silicon Nitride
The Bend Strength of UHM’s CeTZP is higher than that of Silicon Nitride
Table 9
Table 9 lists the thermal properties of CeTZP compared to Silicon Nitride (from references 4,5,7,15)
Thermal Properties
Silicon Nitride
Thermal Expansion Coefficient (10-6/K)
10 - 12
2.6 - 3.3
Thermal Conductivity (W/m.K)
15 - 43
CeTZP engineering ceramic has some thermal property advantages over Silicon Nitride and they are:
The thermal expansion coefficient of CeTZP is comparable to that of cast iron (Silicon Nitride has a much lower thermal expansion coefficient which would make Silicon Nitride a mismatch with cast iron)
CeTZP has a lower thermal conductivity than Silicon Nitride. Thus, CeTZP is a better candidate material than Silicon Nitride for heat engines.