UltraHard Materials LLC
Product Liability Disclaimer
No claims, representations or warranties, whether expressed or implied, are made by both our companies UltraHard Materials Limited and UltraHard Materials USA (hereinafter both called “UHM”) as to the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of UHM’s CeTZP ceramic components. Furthermore, UHM accepts no liability whatsoever for the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of UHM’s CeTZP ceramic components.
Also, no claims, representations or warranties, whether expressed or implied, are made by UHM as to the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of UHM’s CeTZP ceramic components for use in any applications of our customers and/or in any products of our customers. Also, UHM accepts no liability whatsoever for the safety, reliability, durability and performance of any of UHM’s CeTZP ceramic components for use in any applications and/or in any products of our customers.
The advantages and disadvantages of using any of UHM's CeTZP ceramic products in any applications of our customers and/or in any products of our customers can only be critically evaluated by analysis and testing by the customers themselves to the customers' complete satisfaction and in order to meet the customers' operating, safety, reliability and durability criteria and performance standards and requirements as well as to meet any legal operating, safety, reliability and durability criteria and performance standards and requirements.
Also, the advantages and/or disadvantages in substituting any of UHM's CeTZP ceramic components for the customers' metal components can only be critically evaluated by analysis and testing by the customers themselves to the customers' complete satisfaction and in order to meet the customers' operating, safety, reliability and durability criteria and performance standards and requirements as well as to meet any legal operating, safety, reliability and durability criteria and performance standards and requirements.
No representation or warranty, whether expressed or implied, of any nature whatsoever has been made or given by UHM as to the completeness or accuracy of any information on this website and UHM shall not be bound by or accept any liability in respect of any representation or warranty as to those matters by any person at any future time unless UHM expressly so agrees in writing. The viewer of this website and anyone considering using UHM's products or any of the information on this website must make and rely on its own care, skill, inquiries, assessment and judgment as to the veracity of the information or any part of it.
Some data and information provided and/or given in UHM’s website were obtained from various data sources (see reference section) and UHM cannot vouch for their veracity and/or their authenticity.
All data pertaining to UHM's test results were determined by UHM personnel using techniques considered as standard (see e.g. Guillou et al 1992 - reference 10). UHM recommends that such test results be independently verified and authenticated by a customer before using UHM's CeTZP components either in their applications and/or in their studies.
For more information on our product liability disclaimer, please contact UHM at: